Labour Regulations

Labour Standards Legislation sets out the minimum employment rules in Nova Scotia that employers and employees have to follow. It also sets out rules specific to the recruitment of workers and the hiring of foreign workers. Employees, employers and recruiters have rights and responsibilities under these rules.

There are five areas of the Labour Standards Code where the rules are different for farm workers than most other workers:

  • Requirement to pay minimum wage for farm workers who are under 16 or who harvest fruit, vegetables or tobacco on a piecework basis
  • Requirement to pay overtime
  • Holidays
  • Day of Rest
  • Call in pay

The Guide is to help people understand how Nova Scotia Labour Standards legislation applies to employment relationships, and the role of the Nova Scotia Labour Standards Division in enforcing the legislation.  There is also information on specific rules.

The Workers’ Compensation Act (the “Act”) provides the legal framework for the administration of the WCB’s prevention, return to work, assessment, and compensation programs.  The regulations made under the Act provide further guidance on the application of the requirements in the Act.

Occupational health and safety (OH&S) legislation in Canada outlines the general rights and responsibilities of the employer, the supervisor and the worker through an Act or statute and related regulations. Regulations made under an Act define the application and enforcement of an Act. Each of the ten provinces, three territories and the federal government has its own OH&S legislation.

Occupational Health and Safety Act and regulations establishes workplace health and safety standards and are administered by the Occupational Health and Safety Division of the Nova Scotia Department of Labour and Advanced Education.

The federal Canada Labour Code applies to employees of companies or sectors that operate across provincial or international borders.  Approximately 6% of the Canadian workforce falls under the OH&S jurisdiction of the federal government. The remaining 94% of Canadian workers fall under the legislation of the province or territory where they work.

The Nova Scotia Human Rights Act prohibits discrimination for specific protected characteristics and in certain areas.  Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, or any other status. We are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination. These rights are all interrelated, interdependent and indivisible.