Pathways to Agriculture
Pathways to Agriculture
There are many pathways leading to a career in agriculture and they don’t all start with growing up on a farm! Agriculture is a vast industry that requires many different skill sets and experiences. There are many career opportunities that stretch far beyond the stereotypical.
Agriculture is a vast industry that requires many different skill sets and experiences. If you’re looking for rewarding work where the day to day is never the same, with room to pursue your unique passions, then a career in agriculture might be right for you!
Nova Scotia is the perfect place to get started in a career in the agriculture industry. Did you know there were so many opportunities in agriculture? Check some careers out below! Some of the many careers in agriculture:
- Heavy Duty Mechanic
- Laboratory Technician
- Biotechnologist
- Horticulturist
- Policy Analyst
- Agronomist
- Sales Representative
- Accountant
- Software Developer
- Loan Office
…and so much more!
Looking for Hands-On Experience?
Gain experience working on a farm! There are many opportunities to work or volunteer on farms across the province. Check out opportunities in Nova Scotia by visiting our Job Board at www.nsagjobs.ca.
Become an apprentice with Nova Scotia’s new Farm Technician Trade! Gain technical training apprenticing with a skilled journey-person. Learn more at ww.nsapprenticeship.ca.
Volunteer with Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF), a network of organic farms that promotes an educational exchange between farm operators and volunteers. Learn more at https://wwoof.ca/
Post-Secondary Education
A variety of post-secondary education options are available in Nova Scotia that can lead to a career in agriculture. Areas of study you may not have considered:
- Agricultural Engineering
- Animal Science
- Plant Science
- Business Management
- Agricultural Economics
- Horticulture & Landscape Technology
- Veterinary Services/Technology
- Supply Chain Management
- Environment and Sustainability
- Computer Science
If you’re interested in learning more about post-secondary opportunities in Nova Scotia that can lead to a career in agriculture, check out our 2022-2023 pathways resource here!